Donations to BeeThe1ToHelpSomeone, a registered Louisiana non profit , are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor SockIt!
IRS Tax ID #82-2639151
Donations to BeeThe1ToHelpSomeone, a registered Louisiana non profit , are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor SockIt!
IRS Tax ID #82-2639151
Project: "Just One Sermon" Resources for Faith Community
The faith community plays an amazing role to raise awareness for mental well-being.
Survey data reveals that when people experience mental distress, 40% seek their clergy person first. When they don't receive help they are likely to feel isolated, lonely, misunderstood and even judged in the one place where they expect to experience a sense of belonging.
"Just One Sermon" can present a landscape of opportunities to demonstrate what “caring for the soul” looks like for individuals dealing with
behavioral health challenges.
Please share your sermon via email.
Participants will be selected to receive a stipend and a scholarship for Mental Health First Aid training and certification via zoom or in person at a nearby location when offered.
One sermon may save a life.
Thank you.