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IRS Tax ID #82-2639151
Donations to BeeThe1ToHelpSomeone, a registered Louisiana non profit , are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor SockIt!
IRS Tax ID #82-2639151
Resources & Informational Links
Compiled by Our Team of Resources Specialists
Sock'n It To Stigma...What is stigma?
Stigma is a degrading and debasing attitude of society that discredits a person and can cause a person to internalized mental illness. This perceived or internalized stigma is destructive whether or not actual discrimination occurs. Stigma destroys a person’s dignity; marginalizes individuals; violates basic human rights; diminishes the chances of a stigmatized person of achieving full potential; fear of social interaction and isolation; and hampers pursuit of happiness and contentment. When stigma is associated with a behavorial health condition it prevents individuals from seeking evaluation and treatment. Stigma is a major reason why many people suffer in silence.
BeeThe1TelpSomeone offers this information for informational purposes only.
The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical help.
Our Mental Health Resources Specialists submit self-help resources that are easily accessible and culturally sensitive. Our dedicated team of certified Mental Heath First Aiders and Resources Specialists are committed to staying informed to offer viable information. There's a plethora of self-help Mental Health resources available for your review and to get connected with help for yourself or someone you know. The purpose of this information is to give you greater understanding. If you are concerned about yourself or someone else, professional assistance is recommended.
BeeThe1TelpSomeone’s Mental Health Resources Specialists (MHRS) offers information and links herein for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical help.
Why Is Cultural Competency Important
Field of Mental Health Professionals
Take A Mental Health Screening
Apps for Telehealth & Text Therapy Source:AADA
Mental health apps can be effective in making therapy more accessible, efficient, and portable. For a selection of mental health apps that have been reviewed.

Self Help Resources
Self Help Apps
Resources & Information
There's a plethora of self-help Mental Health resources available to obtain information and get connected with help for yourself or someone you know. The purpose of this information is to give you greater understanding. If you are concerned about yourself or a colleague, professional assistance is recommended..
We are dedicated to reviewing and offering self-help resources that are easily accessible and culturally sensitive. Our dedicated team of Mental Heath First Aiders is committed to staying informed to offer this information to you. The resources and information are for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical help. Remember, it is not your job to diagnose yourself or someone else.
Our mental health directly influences how we think, feel and act - it also affects our physical health.
Importance of Culturally Competent Care
Cultural sensitive therapy follows guidelines for working with diverse groups of people in neighborhoods and communities and understands that background, racial, cultural, religious, gender and sexual identities interact with one’s beliefs, behavior and belief system. Resources and therapy must incorporate cultural sensitivity to accommodate and respect differences in opinions, values, and attitudes of individuals. Culturally diverse neighborhoods experience their own uniqueness, differences and similarities. Help tailored to effectively meet their needs can be effective.
Source: The Ayana App
Like physical conditions, mental conditions are treatable and there are many ways to get help.
There are...
Board Certified Diplomate (BCD) in Clinical Social Work
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
"Talking Tips"
Self-Help Seekers Healthy Ways for Mental Well Being
Apps for Telehealth & Text Therapy Source:AADA
Mental health apps can be effective in making therapy more accessible, efficient, and portable. For a selection of mental health apps that have been reviewed.
Specially Selected Apps
Take A Mental Health Screening (Source: Mental Health America)
Helpful Links:
Asian Americans Pacific Islanders-AAPI- Mental Health Resources
Anxiety & Depression Association (AADA) (a brand spectrum of apps highlighted
SAMHSA - The US Dept of Health & Human Services directory for help & resources
Amazing "Neighborhood" Helps
Covid & Mental Health
There's a plethora of self-help resources available online to obtain information and get connected with help for yourself or someone you know experiencing a mental health challenge. Covid-19 has heightened preexisting mental health challenges. And many people are being forced to reckon with their emotional and mental well-being for the first time understanding that help is available and recovery is possible.

BeeThe1ToHelpSomeone offers this information for informational purposes only.
The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical help.
It takes the whole village to raise awareness!
- Is there health without mental health? -